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Wake County Beekeepers Association

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September Membership Meeting

  • September 10, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Wake County Commons Building, 4011 Carya Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610

7:00- Bee-ingo hosted by our very own Krissy Ross.

7:30- Speaker is Lucas Schvindt. He will be discussing Africanized Bees.

Lucas Schvindt is a software engineer who has been actively beekeeping since becoming a certified beekeeper in March 2015 with the Wake County Beekeepers Association. In 2017, he moved to Tucson, Arizona, where he lived for three years before returning to North Carolina. During his time in Tucson, responding to the lack of a local beekeeping club, he organized and led the effort to officially form the Southern Arizona Beekeeping Association. Collaborating with other local beekeepers, he advocated for safe beekeeping practices in Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) regions, participated in local 4-H camps, school presentations, set up County Fair booth displays, and performed over 66 low- to no-cost AHB removals. Additionally, he ran a successful relocation program with the Tucson Botanical Gardens, where 10 traps were strategically placed around the grounds to serve both as swarm traps and educational tools for visitors.

A Chapter of the NCSBA

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