![]() | Wake County Beekeepers Association |
Our November meeting will feature a special raffle! Raffle tickets cannot be purchased, but instead are awarded to members based on attendance and volunteering. We hope this program provides appreciation of members that provide the many hours of service that it takes to keep a club like ours going.
Remember, this program is also run by VOLUNTEERS and is a good faith effort to recognize the value in volunteering and service to the club. It is not perfect! We understand we cannot adequately monetize the value of volunteers and hope that volunteering itself is also a reward.
The volunteer drawing takes place at the November membership meeting. Attendance and events from November forward count towards next year’s auction. For example: all the holiday meal points/tickets in December will be used at the following year’s drawing in November.
A good faith effort to total tickets will be sent to members just after the October meeting. Anyone with additional information valid for additional tickets must bring that forward before the end of October.
Only those physically present at the November meeting will be able to enter their tickets.
Tickets earned prior to November cannot be carried over to the following year.
Awards Drawing:
Items will be placed on different tables representing various tiers of prizes/awards. Participants will enter their tickets into a drawing for the items of their choice. If someone with 10 tickets wants all 10 to be entered into a single item or 1 ticket each into 10 items it’s up to them to choose.
To help distribute winners among members (and households), once any membership wins a prize in a particular tier, they are ineligible to win additional prizes in that same tier. For example, if multiple members of a household enter tickets, and someone from that household wins in a particular tier, the same member and their household can win more items from other tiers, but not from the same tier. We expect to have 4 or 5 different tiers of prizes.
Raffle tickets will be awarded under the following guidelines:
In person attendance: 1 ticket
Home baked snack to share: 2 tickets
3 tickets for hot prepared food at covered dish
Store purchased items to share: 1 ticket
Presenting beginner topic: 5 tickets (members only)
Presenting main topic: 10 tickets (members only)
Hands on hive: 1 ticket to attend
Audio/Visual Assistance: 2 tickets per meeting
Beginner Beekeeper Class (or any similar class offered to beekeepers)
School coordinator: 10 tickets
Instructor: 10 tickets per class of instruction (5 each if split)
A/V assistance: 2 tickets per class
Hospitality Team
5 tickets per team member per event worked (team members that help set up and break down spring picnic, covered dish, or holiday meal)
5 tickets for volunteering as mentor
1 ticket per bee yard visit/per person (only valid for person providing instruction…providing a certified beekeeper practical counts in this category)
Swarm Team Captains: 10 tickets
Club Involved Events
Event Coordinator: 5 tickets plus event hours
Event Volunteer: 2 tickets per hour
Speaker Requests
Speaker request coordinator: 10 tickets
2 tickets per hour of presentation
Spring / Summer Conference: 5 tickets to attend 2 days minimum
Presidential Discretion: approximately 2 tickets per hour of work performed by any member may be recognized by the president and included.