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Wake County Beekeepers Association

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October Membership Meeting

  • October 10, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Wake County Commons Building, 4011 Carya Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610

6:30 -  Workshop - First Annual Fall Plant Exchange (no Zoom)

Fall is the best time to divide most perennials.  With the approaching cold weather, plants focus on root development and wait until spring to focus on blooms.  Plants suffer less stress with being planted in the fall, and although you should water regularly (at least once a week) after transplanting, and continue until frost, after that, baring any droughts, most plants can handle a lot less attention going into the spring. 

Want to participate?  Here is how it works:  You bring bee-friendly plants you want to exchange, and receive a ticket for each plant you bring, that can be exchanged for plants that others bring.  You are welcome to bring other plants that you think people might want, but you will only receive a ticket for bee-friendly plants. 

Each plant should be accompanied by a tag indicating what it is, and each group of plants that are the same should have a description on an index card, suitable for taking a picture

7:30 –  Analytical Prediction of Hive Behavior, Nancy Rausch, SAS Institute - Zoom will be available.

Nancy will be sharing how she combines Analytics and Art to tell a data story. Her project is a visualization of an analytical forecast of bee hive activity. Bees, along with other pollinators, are struggling in recent years. Using analytics, we can better predict their movement and health remotely, without having to bother the hive. She uses art to present the results in a fun and compelling way that people of all ages and backgrounds can understand.

Nancy Rausch is a Research and Development Director and Data Scientist at SAS Institute. She leads a team of engineers that develop SAS’ Data Governance and Cloud Services products, with a focus on leveraging AI and Machine Learning methods for data lifecycle management. She is also the Chairperson of the Linux Foundation AI & Data Technology Advisory Council, working to help expand the adoption of open-source technologies at the intersection of AI and Data.

Zoom Details
Time: Oct 10, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 893 9235 9956
Passcode: 497804

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